
IndoBanner Exchanges

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Seleksi Nasional Calon Penerima Beasiswa dan Non Beasiswa ke Timur Tengah

Beasiswa ke Timur Tengah
Tanggal : 17/04/2007 13:19:00 Sumber : Diktis Depag RI

Jln. Lapangan Banteng Barat No. 3 - 4
Telpon : (021) 3812344, 3812642, 3811654 JAKARTA
Website : www.ditpertais.net

Nomor : Dj.I/Dt.I.IV/4/PP.04/ 343/07 Jakarta, 16 April 2007
Lampiran : 1 (satu) berkas
Perihal : Seleksi Nasional Calon Penerima Program Beasiswa
dan non Beasiswa Studi Ke Timur Tengah
Kepada Yth.
1. Rektor UIN/IAIN se- Indonesia
2. Ketua STAIN se-Indonesia
3. Kepala Kanwil Depag se-Indonesia
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan seleksi nasional program beasiswa ke Mesir, Maroko, Sudan dan Aljazair serta non beasiswa ke Mesir, dengan hormat kami sampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
1. Pelaksanaan seleksi ini akan diadakan secara serentak di beberapa UIN/IAIN/STAIN, dan KBRI di Kairo dan Rabat pada tanggal 14-15 Juni 2007.
2. Terlampir kami sampaikan edaran pelaksanaan seleksi dan kami mengharapkan bantuan Saudara untuk dapat menyebarluaskan dan sekaligus mendukung pelaksanaannya sesuai dengan ketentuan.
Demikian, atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

A.n. Direktur Jenderal
Direktur Pendidikan Tinggi Islam

Prof. Abdurrahman Mas’ud, Ph.D.
NIP. 150240107
Tembusan Yth:
1. Duta Besar Republik Mesir di Jakarta;
2. Duta Besar Republik Sudan di Jakarta;
3. Duta Besar Kerajaan Maroko di Jakarta;
4. Duta Besar Aljazair di Jakarta;
5. Duta Besar RI di Kairo;
6. Duta Besar RI RI di Rabat;
7.Duta Besar RI di Aljazair;
8. Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Islam Depag RI ;
9. Direktur Pendidikan Madrasah Depag RI;
10. Direktur Pendidikan Pondok Pwsantren dan Madrasah Diniyah Depag RI;
11. Kepala Biro Humas dan Informasi Depag RI;
12. Direktur Timur Tengah Deplu RI;

TAHUN 2007

A. Pendahuluan
1. Sebagai tindak lanjut dari Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dengan Departemen Agama, beberapa lembaga dan universitas di Mesir, Sudan, Maroko, dan Aljazair memberikan beasiswa kepada putera-puteri Indonesia dengan formasi sebagai berikut :
a. Al Azhar Al Syarif Mesir menawarkan 90 (sembilan puluh) beasiswa S1 dan 20 (duapuluh) beasiswa S2 untuk tahun akademik 2008-2009
b. Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi Mesir menawarkan 5 (lima) beasiswa S1 untuk tahun akademik 2008-2009 bagi pemegang ijazah SLTA.
c. Pemerintah Sudan menawarkan 30 (tigapuluh) beasiswa S1 pada Universitas Internasional Afrika, Khartoum untuk tahun akademik 2007-2008.
d. Pemerintah Kerajaan Maroko menawarkan beasiswa S1, S2, S3 sebanyak 15 (lima belas) orang untuk tahun akademik 2007-2008.
e. Pemerintah Aljazair melalui KBRI Alger menawarkan 50 beasiswa S1 untuk tahun akademik 2007-2008
2. Dalam rangka mendapatkan calon mahasiswa terbaik untuk mengisi formasi tersebut, Departemen Agama akan menyelenggarakan seleksi secara nasional bagi peminat beasiswa ke Al-Azhar, Kementrian Pendidikan Tinggi Mesir, Maroko dan Aljazair. Bagi peminat beasiswa ke Sudan, seleksi akan diadakan langsung oleh Kedutaan Sudan di Jakarta bekerjasama dengan Departemen Agama pada waktu yang akan ditentukan kemudian.
3. Untuk mengantisipasi meningkatnya minat calon mahasiswa Indonesia ke Mesir yang tidak dibarengi dengan kualitas memadai, Departemen Agama akan melakukan penyeleksian calon MAHASISWA NON BEASISWA dengan menguji kemampuan akademik, hafalan/bacaan Al Qur’an dan bahasa Arab, dengan standar materi ujian yang sama dengan seleksi calon program beasiswa.

B. Tujuan
1. Menyaring para lulusan Madrasah Aliyah/sederajat yang potensial dan mempunyai bakat dan minat yang kuat dalam pengembangan keilmuan dan penguasaan bahasa Arab.
2. Mempersiapkan calon ilmuwan terbaik dalam bidang ilmu ke-Islaman dan bahasa Arab dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan negara.

C. Persyaratan Mengikuti Seleksi
1. Warga Negara RI yang beragama Islam.
2. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang disediakan oleh Panitia
3. Pas photo berwarna ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 2 lembar
4. Melampirkan salinan ijazah dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
a. Untuk ke Universitas Al-Azhar Mesir berijazah :
1). Program S1
Berijazah Madrasah Aliyah Negeri atau swasta yang mengikuti ujian Negara dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut : a). Usia ijazah tidak lebih dari 2 (dua) tahun. b). Berijazah Pondok Pesantren yang mu’adalah (akreditasi) ijazahnya dengan tsanawiyah (SLTA) Al-Azhar masih berlaku sampai sekarang.
2). Program S2
Berijazah Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri atau Swasta dengan usia ijazah tidak lebih dari 5 (lima) tahun.
b. Untuk beasiswa Kementrian Pendidikan Tinggi Mesir menggunakan ijazah SLTA Negeri.
c. Untuk ke Sudan, Maroko dan Al-Jazair berijazah Madrasah Aliyah negeri atau swasta, Pondok Pesantren, SLTA, ijazah S1 dan S2 dengan usia ijazah tidak lebih dari 2 (dua) tahun.
5. Bagi yang belum memiliki ijazah (STTB), sementara cukup menggunakan foto copy nilai rapor cawu I dan II atau semester I kelas terakhir dan dilegalisir oleh pihak sekolah yang bersangkutan.

D. Mata Ujian
1. Ujian Lisan (menggunakan bahasa Arab) meliputi : Bahasa Arab (percakapan, terjemah dan pemahaman teks) dan hafalan/bacaan Al-Qur’an.
2. Ujian Tulis (menggunakan bahasa Arab) meliputi : Bahasa Arab (memahami teks, tata bahasa dan insya’) dan Pengetahuan Agama Islam.

E. Waktu Pendaftaran dan Pelaksanaan
1. Pendaftaran : tanggal 1 Mei s.d. 30 Mei 2007 setiap jam kerja.

2. Pelaksanaan seleksi diatur sebagai berikut :

No Ujian Tanggal WIB WITA WIT
1 Ujian Tulis 14 Juni 2007 08.00 – 10.00 09.00 – 11.00 10.00 – 12.00
2 Ujian Lisan 14-15 Juni 2007 Menyesuaikan dengan waktu setempat

F. Tempat Pendaftaran dan Seleksi

1. Dalam Negeri

No. Lokasi Ujian Tempat Pendaftaran

1. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, IAIN Serang, STAIN Pontianak, STAIN Metro dan IAIN Raden Intan Lampung
2. IAIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung IAIN Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung dan STAIN Cirebon
3. IAIN Walisongo Semarang IAIN Walisongo Semarang, STAIN Kudus, STAIN Purwokerto, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, STAIN Salatiga dan STAIN Surakarta.
4. UIN Malang UIN Malang, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, IAIN Mataram, STAIN Kediri, STAIN Tulung Agung, STAIN Ponorogo, STAIN Pamekasan dan STAIN Jember.
5. IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh IAIN Ar Raniry Aceh NAD, STAIN Lhoukseumawe dan STAIN Cok Kala Langsa
6. IAIN Sumatera Utara Medan IAIN Sumatera Utara Medan dan STAIN Padang Sidempuan
7. IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang, STAIN Bukittinggi, STAIN Batusangkar dan STAIN Kerinci.
8. IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang, IAIN Sulthan Thoha Jambi, STAIN Bangka Belitung dan STAIN Bengkulu
9. UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Pekanbaru UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Pekanbaru
10. UIN Ala’uddin Makasssar IAIN Ala’uddin Makasar, STAIN Pare-Pare, STAIN Watampone, STAIN Palopo, STAIN Kendari dan STAIN Jayapura.
11. STAIN Palu STAIN Palu
12. IAIN Gorontalo IAIN Gorontalo, STAIN Menado, STAIN Ambon dan STAIN Ternate
13. IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin dan STAIN Palangkaraya
14. STAIN Samarinda STAIN Samarinda

2. Luar Negeri

1. KBRI Cairo KBRI Cairo, KBRI Beirut, KBRI Riyadh, KBRI Amman, KBRI Damascus, KBRI Sanaa, KBRI Khartoum
2. KBRI Rabat KBRI Rabat, KBRI Algier, KBRI Tunis

G. Hasil Ujian Seleksi
1. Hasil seleksi akan diumumkan oleh Departemen Agama tanggal 9 Juli 2007 di tempat penyelenggaraan seleksi/pendaftaran atau melalui website : www.ditpertais.net
2. Peserta yang lulus sebagai calon penerima beasiswa S1 Al-Azhar akan mengikuti seleksi lanjutan (muqabalah) pada waktu yang akan ditetapkan kemudian.
3. Peserta seleksi non beasiswa ke Al-Azhar yang dinyatakan lulus dapat memproses berkas pendaftarannya melalui KBRI Kairo.

H. Tim Pelaksana Seleksi
1. Tim pelaksana Pusat dibentuk dan ditunjuk oleh Dirjen Pendidikan Islam
2. Tim pelaksana Daerah dibentuk dan ditunjuk oleh Rektor UIN/IAIN/Ketua STAIN bersangkutan.
3. Tim Penguji baik tulis maupun lisan ditunjuk oleh Dirjen Pendidikan Islam.

I. Lain-Lain

1. Informasi lebih lanjut diharapkan menghubungi Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Islam melalui nomor telpon/faksimil nomor (021) 3519734 atau 3812344 ext. 326
2. Hal-hal yang belum diatur dalam petunjuk pelaksanaan ini akan ditentukan kemudian

Jakarta, April 2007

Direktur Pendidikan Tinggi Islam

Prof. Abdurrahman Mas’ud, Ph.D
NIP. 150240107

Formulir Pendaftaran Seleksi Nasional
Calon Penerima Beasiswa dan Non Beasiswa S1, S2 & S3
Ke Mesir, Maroko, Sudan dan Aljazair
Tahun 2007

Lokasi Pendaftaran : No. Ujian :

Nama Lengkap : _________________________________________
Tempat/ Tgl Lahir : __________________________________________
Alamat Lengkap : __________________________________________
Telp/HP : ______________________________________
E-mail : _______________________________________
Asal Sekolah/ Perguruan : _________________________________________
Tinggi dan tahun Ijazah _________________________________ ____
Nama Bapak : ______________________________________
Pekerjaan : _____________________________________
Nama Ibu : ________________________________
Pekerjaan : ____________________________________
Alamat Orang Tua : __________________________________
Telp/HP _______________________________
Perguruan tinggi yang
Dituju : 1. Univ. Al-Azhar S1 ( ) S2 ( ) Dikti Mesir ( )
a. Beasiswa ( ) b. Non Beasiswa ( )
2. Maroko S1 ( ) S2 ( ) S3 ( )
3. Aljazair S1 ( )
4. Sudan S1 ( )

______________, ___________________2007

Yang Mendaftar,


• foto 3x4

beasiswa Asia

IndoBanner Exchanges

The Indonesian Young Leaders Programme welcomes applications for a

The Indonesian Young Leaders Programme welcomes applications for a
PhD scholarship

The application deadline is 15 May 2007.

In sum, 15 PhD scholarships will be made available for Indonesian
students to undertake a four year long PhD programme at a Dutch
university: 8 within the realm of Islamic Studies, 7 within other
disciplines. Applicants should have an MA degree relevant to the
proposed topic for the PhD research from either a state sponsored or
non-state sponsored Islamic University.

As a PhD student within this programme, you will work in the
Netherlands for a period of thirty-two months. The remainder of
sixteen months will be used for doing fieldwork in Indonesia. First,
you will create a basis for your research with your Dutch supervisor.
After some twelve months, you will do your fieldwork in Indonesia in
order to return for another twenty months to finalize your thesis.


To be eligible for the Indonesian Young Leaders PhD programme, the
candidate must meet the following requirements:

• be an Indonesian national
• have a S2 degree from either a state sponsored or non-state
sponsored Islamic Indonesian University
• willing to take part in the programme fulltime for the
complete duration of the programme, four years
• have a high level of English proficiency (TOEFL 550)
• be in good health
• not be above the age of 40 years (men) or 45 years (women)
on the application deadline

Application Procedure

Writing a thesis proposal is not an easy task, we therefore advise
all candidates to look for a supervisor before writing the
application. In consultation with this proposed supervisor, you can
then prepare your proposal. Should you need any advice from the
programme staff, please do not hesitate to contact us via
youngleaders@ let.leidenuniv. nl.

Please submit the following documents in threefold by 15 May 2007 at
the latest:

• Application form (soon to be placed online)
• Motivation Statement
• Curriculum vitae
• Proposal for a dissertation – Max. 2000 words (find format
on the website soon)
• A copy of your KTP
• A copy of your passport
• A legalized copy of your birth certificate
• Two recent photographs (3x4; color)
• A certified true copy of your S2 diploma
• A copy of the original of your statements of grades and a
translated transcript
• Two letters of recommendation

Send these documents in threefold to:

Training Indonesia 's Young Leaders
P.O. Box 9515
2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands

IndoBanner Exchanges

WISDOM PhD Positions

WISDOM PhD Positions *Closing date: Friday, 18 May 2007* The United
Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS),
in collaboration with the Centre for Development Research of the University
of Bonn (ZEF), the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ) and the Department of
Plant Nutrition of the University of Bonn (INRES) is offering 14 PhD
scholarships for outstanding students to carry out research within the
WISDOM (Water-related Information System for the sustainable Development Of
the Mekong delta in Vietnam) project. WISDOM is a German-Vietnamese
initiative comprising eighteen institutions based in Germany and Vietnam and
coordinated in Germany by the German Aerospace Centre and in Vietnam by the
Southern Institute of Water Resources Research. The PhD scholarships are
offered by UNU-EHS on behalf of the four organisations above through funding
from the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF).
Please make sure, that you have read the General
as well as the special information provided through the "read more" link for
each position. The entire advertisement can be downloaded

- W1: Development, testing and installation of flood level field
measurement equipment
The equipment considered are GPS buoys and pressure conductors. In
addition, development of an optimal sampling position scheme taking into
account remote sensing data, field data collection and evaluation, and
characterisation of flood dynamics in the study area. This position is
hosted by GFZ .
— Read more [Apply

- W2: Integration of field data with high temporal resolution and
remotely sensed data with high spatial resolution in hydraulic model
In addition, application and further development of multi-criteria
and multi-objective model calibration strategies. This position is hosted by
— Read more [Apply

- W3: Analysis of hydro-meteorological time series of the Mekong
This includes multivariate statistical analyses of gridded data sets,
time-frequency analyses and extreme value statistics. This position is
hosted by GFZ .
— Read more [Apply

- W4:Pesticide monitoring and pesticide use assessment in selected
case study areas of the Lower Mekong
Several surface water bodies will be monitored for a selected number
of currently used pesticides and surveys will be carried out to identify the
sources of detected compounds so as to offer mitigation measures. This work
will be carried out in close collaboration with Pos. W8. This position is
hosted by UNU-EHS .
— Read more [Apply

- W5: Pesticide fate modelling in the Lower
The modelling will be carried out in two selected case study areas
and will involve definition of the system, parameterisation, simulations and
calibration. Existing pesticide fate models will be used but some specific
algorithms may have to be developed. This work will be carried out in close
collaboration with Pos. W4. This position is hosted by

— Read more [Apply

- W6: Vulnerability assessment to sudden onset hazards – particularly
floods in the Lower Mekong
The assessment of vulnerability of local communities to sudden onset
hazards will be carried out in case study areas focusing on rural and urban
communities. This task will imply the contextualisation of meta-frameworks
for vulnerability assessment, data gathering at provincial and local level
and the implementation of own questionnaire based household surveys. The
work will be carried out in close collaboration with Pos. W7. This position
is hosted by UNU-EHS .
— Read more [Apply

- W7: Vulnerability assessment to slow onset hazards – sea level rise
and droughts in the Lower Mekong
This position will focus on how to measure the vulnerability of local
communities to creeping and future environmental changes in the Mekong
Delta. This task will encompass the development of a methodological
framework and measurement tools to capture the various vulnerabilities and
the coping capacity of local communities to creeping processes in the
region, particularly drought and sea level rise. This work will be carried
out in close collaboration with Pos. W6. This position is hosted by
— Read more [Apply

- W8: Adaptation of an ELISA-test to determine endocrine
An existing ELISA-test will be tested on its robustness and be
optimized. Extraction of Eds from different matrices such as soil, water,
different organic wastes (e.g.) animal slurry and waste water will be
developed. The method will be established in Vietnam. This work will be
carried out in close collaboration with Pos. W4 and W9. This position is
hosted by INRES .
— Read more [Apply

- W9: Monitoring of endocrine disruptors and mitigation options to
reduce the emissions of endocrine disruptors in case study areas of the
Lower Mekong
Several surface water bodies will be monitored for a selected suite
of endocrine disruptors and surveys will be carried out to identify the
sources of detected compounds so as to offer mitigation measures. This work
will be carried out in close collaboration with Pos. W4. This position is
hosted by INRES .
— Read more [Apply

- W10: Water policy and regional planning in
The research will focus on the ways in which water resources are
managed and governed on different societal levels and in different
sub-sectors of the water sector. The objective will be to describe an
overarching picture of various organizations, institutions (values, norms,
rules, laws and law enforcement), and interest groups that are of prime
importance within organizations. Empirical research is necessary in order to
assess the complexity of the current situation, the organizational structure
and institutional plurality of the water sector and their (overlapping?)
responsibilities, concurrent competencies and competing interests with
regard to water resources. This position is hosted by

— Read more [Apply

- W11: Knowledge systems and knowledge dissemination processes in
selected organizations in the water sector in the Mekong
One of the major objectives will be the analysis of the transfer of
data and knowledge between the involved organizations and relevant
stakeholders. To contribute to this objective socio-scientific research will
have to devise strategies for knowledge sharing that take the specific
institutional and political nature of the water sector into consideration. A
knowledge transfer strategy that solely focuses at the national water
administration and water experts fails to account for the heterogeneity and
complexity of the institutional and socio-political context of the water
sector. The following aspects are of relevance:
- Where can you find/get which information and how is it made
available/accessible to users?
- Which institutions willingly share their information with
others? and for what reasons?
- How and why is access to information controlled?
This position is hosted by ZEF .
— Read more [Apply

- W12: Water and livelihood strategies in the Mekong
Priority of the research proposal is the analysis of the
socio-economic impact of water and resource management in the region. There
is a need to understand the diversity of livelihoods and livelihood
strategies and how they are shaped by both, environmental and demographic
changes and the ongoing political and institutional transformation process.
This position is hosted by ZEF .
— Read more [Apply

- W13: Local knowledge and resources management in the Mekong
In this research project, different knowledge systems according to
different types of water use at the local level will be investigated. It is
understood that local knowledge systems are also shaped by water policies
and other larger social forces and change processes. One element of the
local knowledge system, which will deserve further attention, is the
knowledge of local rights and norms. In relation to water the following four
dimensions have to be studied:
- What are the different forms of water use?
- What are the water needs?
- Which water rights (legal entitlements) currently exists?
- How is water allocated?
This position is hosted by ZEF .
— Read more [Apply

- W14: Strategic groups and power relations in the water
One of the major objectives will be the analysis of the transfer of
data and knowledge between the involved organizations and relevant
stakeholders. To contribute to this objective strategic groups and strategic
networks and their interest in the water sector have to be examined.
- To what extent do power relations develop in knowledge management?
- Which are the important strategic groups and their interests
in the water sector?
- Which are the relevant members of the civil society that have
to be included in knowledge exchange and decision support processes? What
kind of framework has to be created to allow for inclusive strategies of
knowledge exchange?
This position is hosted by ZEF .
— Read more [Apply

IndoBanner Exchanges

The IT industry

Since the IT industry has become a key asset for the competitiveness
of a nation, developing human resources is of great importance for a
nation. The Republic of Korea, as one of the leading countries in the
IT industry, seeks to play a more active role to meet this demand of
the time.

One of the efforts to meet this challenge is IT Technology
Program(ITTP) newly offered at the Information and Communications
University(ICU) with an aim to build global network of IT leaders
around the world.

ITTP, sponsored by the Korean government, offers a customized master's
and doctoral degree program for government officials, employees of
public institutions or senior-level researchers at national research
centers working in the IT fields of foreign countries. All the
students will receive scholarships, up to 2 years for master degree
students and up to 3 years for doctoral degree students.

This program focuses on transferring advanced technologies and
business strategies of Korea to the next generation global IT leaders.
After the education at ICU, a distinguished IT university, the ITTP
students will acquire not only all the accumulated know-hows of the IT
industry of Korea but also the creative abilities to apply learned
knowledges and skills to their own countries. The graduates of the
program will receive updates of current developments in the IT fields
of Korea through annual or biannual newsletters, and remain networked
through regularly scheduled seminars.

Important Dates for Application and Admission for 2007 Fall
- June 8th, 2007: Application Deadline
- July 6th, 2007: Acceptance Notification
- August 28th, 2007: Start of Semester

Contact person & Enquiries:

Coordinator, Administration Office of ITTP
Information and Communications University (ICU)
119 Munji-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon
Republic of Korea, 305-732
Telephone: 82 42 866 6845
Fax: 82 42 866 6858
Email: ittp@...
Homepage: http://ittp.icu.ac.kr

IndoBanner Exchanges


Studentship, Dept of Mathematics
Project Title : Differential Equations with Hyperelliptic Integral Curves
Description: Methods from twistor theory, differential geometry, algebraic
geometry and from the theory of integrable systems have opened up a global view
of nonlinear ordinary differential equations in complex variables. The aim of
this project is to identify the differential equations in low order and small
numbers of variables whose solutions have particularly elegant algebraic
geometry, especially those whose solutions are hyperelliptic curves, with a view
toward integrable systems and physics. Salary, fees, PRSI and pension will total
over €24000 per year, and €2000 to support travel. Funding from SFI grant

Postgraduate Studentship, Dept of Mathematics
Project Title : Singularities of Ricci flow on G2 structures
Description: Rigorous mathematical methods from differential geometry,
analysis and symmetry groups will describe singularity formation in geometric
objects (called G2 structures) which could yield spacetime models for string
theory. Salary, fees, PRSI and pension will total over €28000 per year and €2000
to support travel. Funding from SFI grant MATF636.
Academic Supervisor for both Studentships: Dr Benjamin McKay, Department of
Mathematics, University College Cork.
Send applications (CV with cover letter) before 1 June 2007, preferably by
email, to Dr. Benjamin McKay ( b.mckay@...) , Department of Mathematics,
University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, tel: +353 21 490 2434 . Applications
should mention the project title, state final grade scores in third level
degrees, provide a list of any publications, and provide the names and email
addresses of 3 references

Masters & PhD Scholarship for IT Technology Program @ ICU, Korea


IndoBanner Exchanges

he Department of Meteorology at the University of Bonn, Germany invites

Dear All,
The Department of Meteorology at the University of Bonn, Germany invites
applications for a PhD position in meteorology.
This position is within the project TOSCA (Towards an
Optimal-estimation-based Snow Characterization Algorithm) funded by the
German Science Foundation and it is available for three-year period
(starting as soon as possible).

Research theme: Development of an optimal estimation technique to
profile snowing and thick ice clouds by exploiting
a suite of active and passive microwave sensors in two configurations
(one space-borne, the other ground-based)
by coupling detailed microphysical and electromagnetic models of ice
clouds with state-of-the-art radiative transfer tools.

Goal of the project: the main goal of the project is to produce an
unprecedented test-bed for evaluating microphysical schemes for cloud
and precipitating ice within climate and NWP models. This work will
significantly improve the understanding of the characteristics of
mid-latitude winterly
precipitation as well. These goals will be achieved by exploiting an
optimal-estimation algorithm for snow and thick ice cloud
characteristics based on multi-sensor active and passive microwave
observations. The main target will be the retrieval of ice water content
profiles, but also particle size distribution mean size and habit for
given environmental conditions, i.e. temperature and humidity profiles.
Two retrieval prototypes for two different
platforms will be developed: a satellite-based algorithm for the A-Train
constellation and a ground-based algorithm for mid and high latitude
precipitation events using the suite of instruments located at the
Zugspitze in the Alps.
An electronic copy of the TOSCA proposal with full details of the
project is available at

PhD work description and requirements: the PhD student based in Bonn
will work at radiative transfer computations and sensitivities studies
for snowy scenarios and he will develop a prototype ice hydrometeor
retrieval for the A-train constellation. This work requires good
computing skills and background in physics, meteorology, and/or
atmospheric sciences. Any knowledge/skill in microwave radiative
transfer, retrieval algorythm development, radar/radiometer/satellite
data analyses, will be an advantage.
Salary: 50% Bat IIa (around 1000 euros/month, netto)

Send cover letter and supporting documents (CV and documentation of your
academic record including a list of publications, a short description
of research interests, and possibly letters of recommendation) to Dr.
Alessandro Battaglia, Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn, Auf
dem Hügel 20, 53121 Bonn, Germany or to batta@....

Closing date: 30 May 2007

Dr. Alessandro Battaglia,
Meteorological Institute,
University of Bonn,
Auf dem Hügel 20,
53121 Bonn,
Phone: ++49 (228) 73-5779
Fax: ++49 (228) 73-5188

IndoBanner Exchanges

post-Doctoral positions at Örebro University, Department of Technology

Doctoral positions at Örebro University, Department of Technology

The following positions are part of the expansion of Örebro
University for 50 new post doctoral positions. The positions are 4
years and include both research and teaching time. Applicants should
have obtained their PhD latest 5 years before the application date.
Deadline for applications is the 4th of May 2007.

Post-Doctoral position in Computer Science with a direction towards
Multi-agent System and Robotics.

Post-Doctoral position in Computer Science with a direction towards
Computer Vision.

Post-Doctoral position in Computer Science/Control Theory with a
direction towards Manipulation and Learning.

Post-Doctoral position in Mechanical Engineering with a direction
towards Modeling and Simulation.


IndoBanner Exchanges



Sabtu - Minggu, 28-29 April 2007
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di Paris van Java Mall Sukajadi, BANDUNG
Tiket Masuk : Rp 10,000

akan ada lebih dari 3000 SCHOLARSHIP OFFERED
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media partners :
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Radio Bandung, Republika, The Jakarta Post, PJTV

IndoBanner Exchanges

Ten (10) open PhD student position.

Ten (10) open PhD student position.
Announcement: PhD Scholarships at University Konstanz (Germany)

The University of Konstanz, Department of Computer and Information
Science, offers in the period July 1, 2007 - May 1, 2008 ten (10)
stipends/part time positions for

10 PhD Students (m/f)

within the Graduate Research Program ("Graduiertenkolleg")

Explorative Analysis and Visualization of Large Information Spaces
(see http://www.inf.uni-konstanz.de/gk)

The program is supported by the German Science Foundation (Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) and offers scholarships for about 11 PhD
candidates and 1 PostDoc position. Support can take either of the
following forms: a (tax-free) stipend or a 2/3 part time employment

Expertise is expected in one or more of the following research areas:

Information Visualization
Computer Graphics
Human Computer Interaction
Intelligent Data Analysis
Information Retrieval
Database and Information Systems
Multimedia Signal Processing
Software Analysis and Verification

Formal requirements include an outstanding diploma/master's degree in
Computer Science or a related field as well as fluency in English and
some German. Details on language requirements are to be found in the
general application issues section.

Three positions are available beginning July 1, 2007, the other ones
within the next year (until May 1, 2008). Applications are invited
until the positions are filled. Please address your on-line
applications as detailed in the general application issues section
(http://www.inf.uni-konstanz.de/gk/applications/index.html) to the
secretary of the Graduiertenkolleg (gksekr@...).


IndoBanner Exchanges

Baca informasi beasiswa dan tipsnya di http://www.milisbea siswa.com
Posted by: "Mellyana Frederika" parasitologi16@bdg.centrin.net.id kyuti_fluti
Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:19 am (PST)
Yang diterima hanya 160?
Masak sih? Beberapa tahun lalu saja rasanya sudah lebih dari 200 kok yang
dikirim. Sekedar informasi, double degree dengan UGM yang saya tahu (karena
ada beberapa program), tidak selalu akan lolos Stuned. Jadi pada akhirnya,
kans-nya semua sama saja.
Atau informasi ini salah ya?
Tapi saya pikir, tidak perlu takut duluan kan?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: beasiswa@yahoogroup s.com
> [mailto:beasiswa@yahoogroup s.com] On Behalf Of Wan Izrail
> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 3:09 AM
> To: beasiswa@yahoogroup s.com
> Subject: [beasiswa] [info] Berapa peluang Anda meraih stuned 2007 ?!!
> Kawan-kawan,
> khususnya pelamar beasiswa stuned 2007, saat ini ada
> sekitar 40-an pelamar stuned dari luar Jawa yang sedang
> mengikuti pelatihan bahasa inggris di Jakarta sejak kira-kira
> 3 bulan yang lalu. Kemudian melihat tahun 2006 yang lalu
> terdapat sekita 70 pelamar yang kesemuanya adalah PNS,
> melalui Bappenas yakni sekitar 20-an orang dari program
> double degree ekonomi UI dg universitas Amsterdam, 20-an
> orang double degree dari ITB dg universitas Groningen dan
> sekita 30-an orang dari program double degree UGM. Sehingga
> total sudah ada sekitar 120-an orang yang sudah pasti
> diterima. Menilik tahun lalu jumlah yang diterima sekitar
> 160-an orang maka sisa sekitar 50 tiket akan diperebutkan
> oleh para dosen PTN/PTS, PNS, LSM, wartawan dll. Jika
> pelamar tahun lalu sekitar 6000 orang jadi kemungkinan
> persaingan yang terjadi adalah sekitar 1:120.
> Selamat mempersiapkan diri dan berdoa semoga terkabul
> cita-cita Anda untuk kuliah di Belanda. Persiapkanlah
> segalanya karena ternyata kuliah di luar negeri tidak selalu
> indah apa yang kita bayangkan sebelumnya.
> Selamat berjuang !
> wassalaamualaikum

PhD-student Positions in Mathematical and Biomedical Engineering at
Posted by: "Setio Pramono" hafidztio@yahoo.com
Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:21 am (PST)
PhD-student Positions in Mathematical and Biomedical
Engineering at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Department of Electrical Engineering, Division ESAT-SCD, research group BioMed,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven ,
Belgium (http://www.esat. kuleuven. be/sista/ members/biomed/)

group. The BIOMED team within the ESAT-SCD division
consists of 1 staff member, 3 postdocs, 11 PhD students. Research – fundamental/ theoretical as well as
application oriented- is performed in the domain of (multi)linear algebra,
(non)linear signal analysis, classification and system identification with
special focus to the development of numerically reliable and robust algorithms
for the extraction of clinically, biochemically or pharmaceutically relevant
information (e.g. metabolite concentrations in the brain) out of low-quality
multi-channel measurements in order to enable an improved medical
diagnosis. In this domain the group has
built up an international reputation. Applications under study are:
quantification of metabolite concentrations using in-vivo Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopic (MRS) data and images, quantification of brain oxygenation in
neonates using (functional) Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, quantification of
cardiovascular dynamics and auto-regulation, detection of somato-sensory evoked
potentials in EEG, preoperative classification of (brain, ovarian, breast,
prostate) tumours, prediction/detectio n of epileptic seizures based on
scalp-EEG monitoring.

Three PhD positions.
We seek one of more outstanding graduate students for the following
multidisciplinary research projects:

Numerical algorithms for
tensor decompositions and tensor based signal processing with applications
in epileptic seizure detection;Advanced signal processing
for data fusion of multimodal information acquired simultaneously (such
as EEG, ECG, EMG, EOG, (functional)
MR Imaging, PET and SPECT) with applications in neonatal intensive care
monitoring;Integrat ion of EEG and
functional MR Imaging with applications in monitoring cognitive disorders
in patients with MS and ADHD.

The research is done in a multidisciplinary
environment in strong collaboration with the appropriate divisions in the
University Hospitals K.U.Leuven. All positions are immediately vacant. The PhD
work will be supervised by Prof. Sabine
Van Huffel.

We are particularly seeking candidates with a Master-of-Science degree in
biomedical, electrical, computer science or mathematical engineering, in
bioengineering or in mathematics, and with strong interests in optimization,
signal processing, statistics, numerical computations, and biomedical
applications. The ability to become acquainted with new methods within short
time and good familiarity with scientific tools like MATLAB programming and
statistical analysis are appreciated. The chosen candidate will be an
enthusiastic person and initiator with good communication skills and a good
knowledge of English.

To apply, please send a CV and a cover letter before June 15, 2007 to Prof.
Sabine Van Huffel (sabine.vanhuffel@ esat.kuleuven. be)

The salary will be assigned according to the Belgian university salary system.
The PhD-student appointment is for the duration of four years.

Professor Dr. Ir. Sabine Van Huffel

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Departement elektrotechniek

Division ESAT-SCD, BioMed group

Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2446

3001 Leuven

tel. 016/32 17 03 fax. 016/32 19 70

email: sabine.vanhuffel@ esat.kuleuven. be

web: htttp://www. esat.kuleuven. be/sista/ members/vanhuffe l.html

Setia Pramana
Master of Science in Biostatistics
Hasselt Universiteit

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PhD Research Studentship in Biostatistics
Posted by: "Setio Pramono" hafidztio@yahoo.com
Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:25 am (PST)

PhD Research Studentship in Biostatistics
Swiss Tropical Institute
are invited for a PhD studentship in the area of spatial statistical
modelling applied to mapping schistosomiasis transmission in different
settings of Africa. The studentship covers living cost and tuition fees
and provides support for 3 years. The starting date is June 1st, 2007
or as soon as possible after that date by negotiation. Appropriate
qualifications are either an MSc in Mathematics with a substantial
statistical component or in Biology or other related fields followed by
postgraduate qualification in Statistics. Applicants should have also
sound computing skills. The successful applicant will register for a
PhD degree at the University of Basel.
The main objective of the
research project is to develop Bayesian statistical methodology for the
analysis of non-stationary, geostatistical data collected over a large
number of locations. This methodology will be applied to a number of
schistosomiasis- related datasets from Africa (a) to determine
behavioural, environmental and socio-economic risk factors related to
schistosomiasis transmission, and (b) to assess spatio-temporal
patterns of the disease. The successful candidate will be supervised by
PD Dr. Penelope Vounatsou (spatial statistics) and Prof. Jürg Utzinger
(epidemiology) . The PhD project is part of a bigger programme on
schistosomiasis research funded by the European Union co-ordinated by
the DBL–Institute for Health Research and Development in Denmark and
involving many other partners in Europe and Africa.
Applicants should send a CV and the names and addresses of two referees to the following address:

Dr Penelope Vounatsou
Swiss Tropical Institute
Socinstrasse 57
CH-4051 Basel
Tel: +41 61 284-8109
Fax: +41 61 284-8105
Email: penelope.vounatsou@ unibas.ch

Setia Pramana
Master of Science in Biostatistics
Hasselt Universiteit

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[INFO] PhD and Research Positions at Philips
Posted by: "Leila Fatmasari Rahman" LeilaRahman@gmail.com leila_rahman
Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:27 am (PST)
Philips Research is recruiting many scientists now. Please see various
positions here:

Posted by: "capuccino mmmm" capuccino_mmmm@yahoo.com capuccino_mmmm
Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:13 am (PST)
POSTGRADUATE STUDENTSHIPS (2), DEPT. OF MATHEMATICS Postgraduate Studentship, Dept of Mathematics
Project Title : Differential Equations with Hyperelliptic Integral Curves
Description: Methods from twistor theory, differential geometry, algebraic geometry and from the theory of integrable systems have opened up a global view of nonlinear ordinary differential equations in complex variables. The aim of this project is to identify the differential equations in low order and small numbers of variables whose solutions have particularly elegant algebraic geometry, especially those whose solutions are hyperelliptic curves, with a view toward integrable systems and physics. Salary, fees, PRSI and pension will total over €24000 per year, and €2000 to support travel. Funding from SFI grant MATF634.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Postgraduate Studentship, Dept of Mathematics
Project Title : Singularities of Ricci flow on G2 structures
Description: Rigorous mathematical methods from differential geometry, analysis and symmetry groups will describe singularity formation in geometric objects (called G2 structures) which could yield spacetime models for string theory. Salary, fees, PRSI and pension will total over €28000 per year and €2000 to support travel. Funding from SFI grant MATF636.
Academic Supervisor for both Studentships: Dr Benjamin McKay, Department of Mathematics, University College Cork.
Send applications (CV with cover letter) before 1 June 2007, preferably by email, to Dr. Benjamin McKay ( b.mckay@ucc. ie) , Department of Mathematics, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, tel: +353 21 490 2434 . Applications should mention the project title, state final grade scores in third level degrees, provide a list of any publications, and provide the names and email addresses of 3 references

------------ --------- --------- ---
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Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

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[info] Doctoral Grant Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Actu
Posted by: "Setio Pramono" hafidztio@yahoo.com
Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:27 am (PST)
The University
of Antwerp is a knowledge
centre, with 3400 co-workers, conducting ground-breaking and innovative
research of international standing. The university takes special care to ensure
optimal support for and supervision of its students and pays constant attention
to innovation in education. The university is an autonomous pluralist
institution that is committed to the enhancement of an open, democratic and
multicultural society. It actively pursues an equal opportunities policy.

The Faculty of Applied Economics has a full-time vacancy
(m/f) for a Doctoral Grant at the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Sciences for the project Statistical experimental design for large-scale experimentation in
marketing and product development Job description. You will prepare a Ph.D.
thesis of the research project described below. In doing so, you will apply for
externally funded research grants. You will contribute to the research of the
Department and to resulting publications. You may be involved in some limited
teaching-related activities in the field of the Department.
Project description. The project is concerned with
the construction of programs of experiments in marketing and industry. These
are used to study the impact of various factors on a response variable. The
settings of the factors are often chosen according to a so-called orthogonal
array. In this project, several methods will be explored to find arrays for
large numbers of factors with various numbers of settings. Also, methods for
arranging these arrays in subsets will be sought. This is because, in marketing
experiments, each respondent has to evaluate a separate subset. In industrial
experiments, subsets are important too, because it is usually only possible to
make small numbers of observations under homogeneous conditions.

Profile and requirements. You have a Masters
degree or equivalent in commercial engineering or a field related to
Mathematics or Statistics. Your teaching and research qualities are compatible
with the policies of the University
of Antwerp . You can provide evidence of an excellent
academic record. You can express yourself well in written and spoken English.
You share our enthusiasm for scientific research.

Our offer. We offer a full-time position,
under the conditions of the Dehousse grants, as a doctoral fellow for two
years, with the possibility of renewal for a further two-year period after
positive evaluation. The expected date of appointment is October 1st, 2007.
Students in the final year of their degree course are allowed to apply.

More information. Prof. dr. P. Goos (Peter.Goos@ua. ac.be, tel: 03/2204059 ),
and Prof.dr. E. Schoen (Eric.Schoen@ ua.ac.be,
tel: 03/2204095 ).

Interested? Please fill out the mandatory
application form @ http://www.ua. ac.be/vacatures,
or call 00 32 (0)3 265 31 53, and send it to the University of Antwerp, Campus
Middelheim, Personnel Department (cel AP), Middelheimlaan 1, BE-2020 Antwerpen,
Belgium, no later than 9 May, 2007.

Setia Pramana
Master of Science in Biostatistics
Hasselt Universiteit

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[INFO] Masters & PhD Scholarship for IT Technology Program @ ICU, Ko
Posted by: "ipguna" ipguna@yahoo.co.uk ipguna
Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:13 am (PST)
Masters & PhD Scholarship for IT Technology Program @ ICU, Korea

http://ittp. icu.ac.kr/

Since the IT industry has become a key asset for the competitiveness
of a nation, developing human resources is of great importance for a
nation. The Republic of Korea, as one of the leading countries in the
IT industry, seeks to play a more active role to meet this demand of
the time.

One of the efforts to meet this challenge is IT Technology
Program(ITTP) newly offered at the Information and Communications
University(ICU) with an aim to build global network of IT leaders
around the world.

ITTP, sponsored by the Korean government, offers a customized master's
and doctoral degree program for government officials, employees of
public institutions or senior-level researchers at national research
centers working in the IT fields of foreign countries. All the
students will receive scholarships, up to 2 years for master degree
students and up to 3 years for doctoral degree students.

This program focuses on transferring advanced technologies and
business strategies of Korea to the next generation global IT leaders.
After the education at ICU, a distinguished IT university, the ITTP
students will acquire not only all the accumulated know-hows of the IT
industry of Korea but also the creative abilities to apply learned
knowledges and skills to their own countries. The graduates of the
program will receive updates of current developments in the IT fields
of Korea through annual or biannual newsletters, and remain networked
through regularly scheduled seminars.

Important Dates for Application and Admission for 2007 Fall
- June 8th, 2007: Application Deadline
- July 6th, 2007: Acceptance Notification
- August 28th, 2007: Start of Semester

Contact person & Enquiries:

Coordinator, Administration Office of ITTP
Information and Communications University (ICU)
119 Munji-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon
Republic of Korea, 305-732
Telephone: 82 42 866 6845
Fax: 82 42 866 6858
Email: ittp@icu.ac. kr
Homepage: http://ittp. icu.ac.kr

IndoBanner Exchanges

[info] Berapa peluang Anda meraih stuned 2007 ?!!

[info] Berapa peluang Anda meraih stuned 2007 ?!!
Posted by: "Wan Izrail" wait_izrail@yahoo.com wait_izrail
Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:27 am (PST)
khususnya pelamar beasiswa stuned 2007, saat ini ada sekitar 40-an pelamar stuned dari luar Jawa yang sedang mengikuti pelatihan bahasa inggris di Jakarta sejak kira-kira 3 bulan yang lalu. Kemudian melihat tahun 2006 yang lalu terdapat sekita 70 pelamar yang kesemuanya adalah PNS, melalui Bappenas yakni sekitar 20-an orang dari program double degree ekonomi UI dg universitas Amsterdam, 20-an orang double degree dari ITB dg universitas Groningen dan sekita 30-an orang dari program double degree UGM. Sehingga total sudah ada sekitar 120-an orang yang sudah pasti diterima. Menilik tahun lalu jumlah yang diterima sekitar 160-an orang maka sisa sekitar 50 tiket akan diperebutkan oleh para dosen PTN/PTS, PNS, LSM, wartawan dll. Jika pelamar tahun lalu sekitar 6000 orang jadi kemungkinan persaingan yang terjadi adalah sekitar 1:120.

Selamat mempersiapkan diri dan berdoa semoga terkabul cita-cita Anda untuk kuliah di Belanda. Persiapkanlah segalanya karena ternyata kuliah di luar negeri tidak selalu indah apa yang kita bayangkan sebelumnya.

Selamat berjuang !

IndoBanner Exchanges

Buku "Kiat Memenangkan Beasiswa"

Buku "Kiat Memenangkan Beasiswa"
Buku yang ditulis moderator milis beasiswa ini sungguh menjadi karya yang berharga bagi generasi bangsa sekarang dan selanjutnya.
- Media Indonesia
Terima kasih untuk lebih dari 250 orang yang telah membeli buku "Kiat Memenangkan Beasiswa" langsung dari Milis Beasiswa. Rekan - rekan yang tertarik untuk membeli buku ini dapat memesannya dengan mudah. Klik di sini.


Harga 1 buku: Rp 30.000
Ongkos kirim Jabodetabek: Rp 6.000 (untuk 1 - 4 buku)
Ongkos kirim Jawa Barat: Rp 7.000 (untuk 1 - 4 buku)
Untuk daerah lain, silahkan klik di sini.

Transfer total biaya (harga buku + ongkos kirim) ke salah satu rekening di bawah:

* BCA. No. rek: 255 116 9296 a.n. Ir. Togap M. P. Siagian
* Niaga. No. rek: 069 01 05023 11 4 a.n. Togap Siagian
* Mandiri. No. rek: 154 000 431 8469 a.n. Ir. Togap M. P. Siagian

Setelahnya kirim email ke buku.beasiswa@gmail.com dengan judul "Konfirmasi Pembayaran Buku KMB".

Sertakan informasi di bawah:
- Nama
- Alamat pengiriman lengkap dengan nomor kode pos
- Nama pemilik rekening bank pengirim
- Nomor rekening bank pengirim
- Bank tujuan transfer
- Nomor HP atau telepon yang bisa dihubungi (buku tidak akan dikirim tanpa ini)

Buku Anda akan dikirimkan setelah transfer dapat diverifikasi.

Terima kasih banyak atas buku yang akan menjadi bacaan banyak orang.
- Eddy N, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Buku ini sangat berguna untuk 'mempersenjatai' pembacanya dalam pencarian beasiswa. Terima kasih tak terhingga.
- Zulsam

Kehadiran buku Bapak dan milis yang Bapak asuh sangat menyegarkan dan membantu. Salut untuk Bapak!!!
- Fahmi Widodo

IndoBanner Exchanges

Selamat buat wakil dari Indonesia

Selamat buat wakil dari Indonesia


Winners Announced in Asia and Pacific Student Essay Competition

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - Twenty-five students from 15 ADB member
economies have won prizes in a student essay competition on
Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific.

The competition was sponsored by ADB and ROAD, a network of Japanese
university students concerned about development issues, through ADB's
Japan Special Fund, financed by the Government of Japan. It is part of
a series of educational events that will precede ADB's 40th Annual
Meeting that is to be held in Kyoto, Japan, 6-7 May.

The winners are:

* Thinley Choden of Bhutan, University of Hawaii at Manoa, age 28
* Chanprathna Leng of Cambodia, International University of Japan,
age 27
* Heng Dyna of Cambodia, Nagoya University, Japan, age 24
* Rotha Chan of Cambodia, International University of Japan, age 26
* Li Xing of the People's Republic of China, China Agricultural
University, age 19
* Shana Khan of Fiji Islands, Victoria University of Wellington,
New Zealand, age 27
* Kavindra Nand of Fiji Islands, The University of the South
Pacific, age 23
* Leung Yih-Terng of Hong Kong, China; University of Hong Kong, age 22
* Sreya Bagchi of India, Randolph-Macon Women's College,
Lynchburg, VA, US, age 18
* Ramnath Kalyani of India, National Law School of India University
* Jawahar Shah of India, TERI University, age 21
* Syaiful Afifi of Indonesia, Brawijaya University Malang, age 23
* Terumi Ishii of Japan, The University of Tokyo, age 23
* Akiko Iwamoto of Japan, Gakushuin University, age 22
* Megumi Koba of Japan, International University of Kagoshima, age 22
* Elvira Bobekova of Kyrgyz Republic, The University of Auckland,
New Zealand, age 29
* Bayarlkham Byambaa of Mongolia, Akita International University,
age 19
* Tin Yadana Moe of Myanmar, Yangon Institute of Economics, age 23
* Muniba Mahmud of Pakistan, Institute of Business Administration,
age 21
* Saba Majeed of Pakistan, Institute of Business Administration,
age 23
* Carl Renan Estrellan of Philippines, Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Japan, age 28
* Ritchie-Anne Guzman of Philippines, Ateneo de Manila University,
age 26
* Charybel Magbuo of Philippines, De la Salle University, age 20
* Fundow Jerasakanon of Thailand, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific
University, age 21
* Le Hoang Anh Thu of Viet Nam, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific
University, age 25

A three-member independent jury reviewed each of the more than 600
essays submitted in the Asia and Pacific Student Essay Competition.
Each essay is the independent work of the student and reflects their
personal views.

Jury members included Ashok Khosla, Chairman, Development
Alternatives, New Delhi, India; and Erna Witoelar, United Nations
Special Ambassador for MDGs in Asia and the Pacific, Jakarta,
Indonesia. Tseuneaki Yoshida, Professor, Project Planning and
Management, University of Tokyo, chaired the jury.

"This competition has provided the opportunity for hundreds of
university students to contribute their views on major public policy
issues challenging Asia and the Pacific," says Bindu N. Lohani,
Director General of ADB's Regional and Sustainable Development Department.

"The upcoming Youth Forum in Kyoto will provide an exciting
opportunity for the winning essayists to deliberate development
priorities and ways in which the region's environmental, economic, and
social challenges can be effectively addressed with the active
involvement of young people."

All 25 winners are being invited to participate in a week-long program
culminating in the Youth Forum on Sustainable Development in Kyoto on
17 March. The Forum will provide winning essayists with the
opportunity to deliberate on sustainable development issues.

The event will conclude with adoption of "the Voice of the Youth," a
statement written by the students on sustainable development. In
addition, the winning essays will be assembled and published in a book.

The essays – written from a country or regional perspective –
addressed one of three specific topics: economic growth and
environmental conservation; human resource development and
institutions; and industry and infrastructure.

They were judged on the basis of originality and creativity of
thought, structure and coherence of arguments, awareness of
sustainable development within the context of the essayist's
environment and realities, and relevance to the competition's themes.

IndoBanner Exchanges

The Indonesian Young Leaders Programme welcomes applications for a

The Indonesian Young Leaders Programme welcomes applications for a
PhD scholarship

The application deadline is 15 May 2007.

In sum, 15 PhD scholarships will be made available for Indonesian
students to undertake a four year long PhD programme at a Dutch
university: 8 within the realm of Islamic Studies, 7 within other
disciplines. Applicants should have an MA degree relevant to the
proposed topic for the PhD research from either a state sponsored or
non-state sponsored Islamic University.

As a PhD student within this programme, you will work in the
Netherlands for a period of thirty-two months. The remainder of
sixteen months will be used for doing fieldwork in Indonesia. First,
you will create a basis for your research with your Dutch supervisor.
After some twelve months, you will do your fieldwork in Indonesia in
order to return for another twenty months to finalize your thesis.


To be eligible for the Indonesian Young Leaders PhD programme, the
candidate must meet the following requirements:

• be an Indonesian national
• have a S2 degree from either a state sponsored or non-state
sponsored Islamic Indonesian University
• willing to take part in the programme fulltime for the
complete duration of the programme, four years
• have a high level of English proficiency (TOEFL 550)
• be in good health
• not be above the age of 40 years (men) or 45 years (women)
on the application deadline

Application Procedure

Writing a thesis proposal is not an easy task, we therefore advise
all candidates to look for a supervisor before writing the
application. In consultation with this proposed supervisor, you can
then prepare your proposal. Should you need any advice from the
programme staff, please do not hesitate to contact us via
youngleaders@ let.leidenuniv. nl.

Please submit the following documents in threefold by 15 May 2007 at
the latest:

• Application form (soon to be placed online)
• Motivation Statement
• Curriculum vitae
• Proposal for a dissertation – Max. 2000 words (find format
on the website soon)
• A copy of your KTP
• A copy of your passport
• A legalized copy of your birth certificate
• Two recent photographs (3x4; color)
• A certified true copy of your S2 diploma
• A copy of the original of your statements of grades and a
translated transcript
• Two letters of recommendation

Send these documents in threefold to:

Training Indonesia 's Young Leaders
P.O. Box 9515
2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands

Leiden University will create a short-list of candidates, who will be
invited for an interview in Jakarta in May/June 2007. An independent
selection committee will decide by the end of June 2007 upon the
final selection of the PhD students.

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Research Fellow "International Finance and Financial Management"

Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) Mannheim (Germany)

The Centre for European Economic Research GmbH (ZEW) in Mannheim is
seeking to appoint a

Research Fellow

to its International Finance and Financial Management research unit.

The central task of the position will be theoretical and empirical
analyses with a focus on financial markets and financial management.

The successful applicant will have an honours degree in economics and
a strong interest in empirical economic research. We are looking for
applicants with a good knowledge of analysis methods (statistics/
econometrics) and of the institutional framework of capital markets.
We expect the successful applicant to contribute the ability to
present the results of their research and economic policy work in a
persuasive style in both German and English.

Intensive support will be provided during the introduction phase by a
well-established team of colleagues and an extensive programme of
continuing professional development. We are offering the opportunity
to undertake challenging work as a part of a motivated research team.
Extensive contacts within our national and international research
network as well as international co-operations offer attractive
prospects for the successful candidate. Continuing qualification in
the context of postgraduate doctorates is explicitly supported.
Remuneration is based on the TV-L statutory salary scale and its
associated public sector benefits.

Please send your application quoting the reference code: “In-FM-4/07”.

Centre for European Economic Research
Doris Brettar
P.O.Box 10 34 43
68034 Mannheim
e-mail: brettar@...

Application has to be received by 3. May 2007.

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